01 februari, 2015

| A NEW DIGITAL HOME | ambition

YEAH, A BRAND NEW START! I finally get my blog ambition back. I always had it, but never felt it so strong as now and there wasn't any time for blogging in my head. But at this point, I really want to share my photographs and thought in my space, my digital home.
I sucked in through crowds set with school, I lost my mind and I found it again on the way out. By uncertainty, I didn't dare to start with something new. Sounds bullshit. Last year I had to looking for an internship for my education, graphic design. On my bucketlist was written: 'living in Amsterdam' so it wasn't strange that my urge to seek an internship, was in Amsterdam. I found the most perfect internship for me on the internet. A combined internship with fashion, graphic design and photography, in one. So I send an email and one day later I received a mail back. If I could come along tomorrow. With my portfolio under my arm and a lot of nerves, I came at my future-internship, one day later. The same day, they approve me. I did something new, where I was actually afraid of. Living on my own for the first time in a big city was so amazing and empty at the same. Five months later, with a lot of experiences in my pocket, I'm really happy I did it. Right now, I'm writing this at the living room of my parents. Moving in again with my parents creates symptoms of withdrawal, haha. But on the other side it is nice to live at home again. I promise I show you some things what I did during my internship and of course so many new things 'cause my passion for imagination quickly grew/grows to obsession.
Therefore there is this digital home.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Heel veel plezier en succes met bloggen! Ooit is een nieuwe start nodig :)

    1. Ah, lief! Dankjewel Marion! Ja, een nieuwe start zorgt voor nieuwe ideeën! :) XX

  2. this picture is awesome <3 i love it.
    love from austria. Monika

  3. Om je woorden te citeren: "Wat heb jij een leuke blog!" right at ya, Karlijn. Right at ya. Normaal zou ik heel casual in het Engels commenten maar ja, je weet dat ik Nederlands ben dus ik ben nu niet meer zo cool. Ik vind je schrijfstijl super en ga je volgen op bloglovin. Ik kijk uit naar je blog! x I <3
